* Courses on Network Ecology - an advanced discipline to postgrad students and postdocs.
Contact me if you are interested in bring it to your institution. Check my GitHub for further details.
* Workshop on the Ecology and Evolution of animal-plant interactions in the Anthropocene. Instituto de Biociências, Unicamp, 2019 - main organizer.
* Classes on Conservation Biology, Species Interactions, Data Analyses and Evolutionary Ecology for undergrads and postgrads.
* Students and post-docs
Liana Chesini Rossi. Post-doc FAPERJ. Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Research Institute. "A socio-ecological metanetwork of plant-frugivore interactions in a gradient of fruit harvesting". 2023 - current.
Richardson Frazão. PhD student, Tropical Botany School, Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden. "A importância da diversidade de abelhas nativas (Apidae) em áreas com diferentes intensidades de extração de açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.): em busca da sustentabilidade da produção de açaí e da meliponicultura desenvolvida pelas comunidades locais no nordeste da Amazônia". 2023 - current. Main supervisor: Marinez Siqueira, Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden.
Alysson Silva da Matta Barbosa. PhD student, Tropical Botany School, Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden. "Exploring the Ferns and Lycophytes Flora: Diversity and Ethnobotanical Connections in a Mountain on the Northwest Amazonia, AM". 2024 - current. Main supervisor: Claudine Mynssen, Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden.
Iago Ferreiro Arias. PhD student. Doñana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC). "Properties of frugivore-plant ecological networks in the Amazon", 2024 - current. Main supervisor: Ana Benitez, Universidad de Madrid.
Evelynne Barro. PhD student, Alagoas Federal University (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Diversidade Biológica e Conservação nos Trópicos. 2022- current. Main supervisor: João Vitor Campos-Silva, Instituto Juruá.
Luisa Ridolph. Undergrad CNPq Scholarship - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Research Institute. "Phylogenetic analyses of plant species from the Medicinal Plant Collection at the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden." 2023.
Iasmin Gonçalves Nascimento da Silva. Undergrad FAPERJ Scholarship - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Research Institute. "Using camera-trapping and artificial intelligence to study animal-plant interactions in a socio-ecological system in the Rio de Janeiro State." 2023-current.
André Luis Bhering. Undergrad FAPERJ Scholarship - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Research Institute. "Etno-ecological networks". 2022-2023.
Natália Melo. Undergrad CNPq Scholarship, UNESP - Rio Carlo (2019 - 2020). Testing defaunation effects on leaf damage. Co-supervised with Mauro Galetti.
Rodrigo Missano. Undergrad FAPESP Scholarship, UNESP - Rio Claro (2019 - 2021). Comparative methodologies to build plant-frugivore networks. Co-supervised with Marco A Pizo.
Felipe M. Libran-Embid. PhD Thesis, Goettingen University - Goettingen (2019 - 2020). Metanetwork of plant-pollinator interactions. Co-supervised with Ingo Grass and Teja Tscharnke.
Mark Dwyer. Undergrad final project. Cardiff University - Bristol (2013). Invaded pollen transfer networks. Co-supervised with Jane Memmott.