Highlighted events, interviews, products and media content
Organizer, moderator and speakear of the Symposium 12: "Frugivory Networks Across Scales", together with Paulo Guimarães Jr (USP). International Frugivory and Seed Dispersal Symposium, Ilhéus, Brasil. 2024
Invited speaker at the oral session "On the role of plant-enemy interactions in shaping tropical forest communities across ecological gradients", as part of the Barro Colorado Island – 100 years Centennial Science Symposium, organized by the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and held in Gamboa, Panamá on June 17-20, 2024. My talk was entitled: "“The interplay between defaunation and phylogenetic diversity affects leaf damage by natural enemies in tropical plants".
Invited participant at 'The Scientist Warning' Movie, featured by William J. Ripple and presented by Oregon State University and the Alliance of World Scientists.
Opening talk of the 2022 Scientific Seminars of the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Research Institute - Portuguese only.
Brazilian Meeting of Ecology (RABECO) 2021
Chair and organized of the symposium: "The ecological and evolutionaty implications of the webs of life" - Portugue only. Invited contributor to the global campaign called 'The International Scholars Warning on the Corporate-Capture of the Climate Agenda and Need for a Real Green Revolution' urging communities to lead their own ‘emergency response’ after ‘failure’ of COP26 to slash dangerous greenhouse gas emissions. Promoted by 'Facing Future'. Invited Panelist at the "Merging social, economic and ecological networks for sustainable and resilient food systems". Royal Society Resilient Futures Challenge-led project. Talk: Seed dispersal networks in human-modified landscapes and their potential to enhance conservation, restoration and food security. Newcastle University. 2020. |
Translation of the promotional video "Searching for the Stresemann's Bristlefront" from the National Centre for Wild Birds Research and Conservation (ICMBIo/CEMAVE). |
Interview for 'Brasil Rural - Radio Nacional' (2024) - " Pragas consideradas prejudiciais podem ajudar na biodiversidade" (Portuguese only, https://radios.ebc.com.br/brasil-rural/2024/02/pragas-consideradas-prejudiciais-podem-ajudar-na-biodiversidade)
Interview for 'Radio Unesp' (2019) - The loss of plant-animal interactions - ecological, evolutionary and social implications ( Portuguese only, www.radio.unesp.br/entrevistas).
Interview for, and assistance producer of, 'BBC Radio 4' (2012) - Amazonia - keeping it alive.
Interview for 'Radio Unesp' (2019) - The loss of plant-animal interactions - ecological, evolutionary and social implications ( Portuguese only, www.radio.unesp.br/entrevistas).
Interview for, and assistance producer of, 'BBC Radio 4' (2012) - Amazonia - keeping it alive.
Science education - main midia highlights
Sharing some findings from my 4-y postdoc at FAPESP newsletter. FAPESP finances cutting-edge research from public institutions in Brazil. |